Thursday 17 September 2015

Constitutional monarchy and Hindu Kingdom must be in existence

Dirgha Raj Prasai
Former Member of Parliament - Nepal

Since 2006, we Nepalese people are suffering from the traitors' regime. These evil elements want to Christianize in Nepal. The Congress, UML and Maoist are working the agendas of EU and CIA and just 7th August 2015, they declared secular state imposing by whips in parliament. Similarly, they imposed republic removing the identified symbol of Nepal-the monarchy. Actually, the nation is above the constitutionalism. Constitution is the only legal means to run a sovereign nation with legitimacy. Since the unification of Nepal this nation has operated
  • under legal norms. Nepal has always run under a constitution. 
    But, India has been forcing Nepal since the Delhi agreement in 1950 for drafting a constitution through a Constituent Assembly (CA). The increasing nationalist forces in the nation and the
    inevitable fact that China would side with Nepal India was deterred. In 1958 the constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal was promulgated through a constitutional commission. The Indian concept of a CA that it had envisaged in 1950 was again raised for a new constitution, which in turn plunged Nepal into crisis. 
    Now, The CA has passed the new constitution without solving the aspiration of Nepalese people. However, the main objective of Constituent Assembly was to reject the 96 % Hindu, Buddha and OMkar family declaring the secularism ending the existence of the only one world Hindu kingdom and to end the identified symbol of Nepal's sovereignty and unity-the monarchy. The parties who are guided from RAW, CIA and EU have failed to keep intact the Nepalese nationality, democratic norms and identity in that new constitution. The reality is that in the name of CA, the foreigners want to break Nepal imposing the secularism to Christianize in this pious Hindu and Buddha land. The Nepalese people never support the suicidal agendas of secularism and republic in Nepal. So, it is necessary, the constitutional monarchy and Hindu Kingdom must be in existence in Nepal.

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